Friday, March 6, 2020

Machiavelllianism essays

Machiavelllianism essays The Effect Machiavellianism Has On Managers Machiavellianism is a construct which has been widely researched by contemporary scholars across the globe. As Matt has talked about how Niccolo Machiavelli provided recommendations for political leaders in terms of behaviours which have been linked to manipulation, cunningness, and deception. Damon has touched on how these political recommendations can be adopted in the business realm and Jenny has discussed how Machiavellianism is a way of thinking, which leads on to my section of study, why do certain managers adopt this way of thinking in their management methods, and what external factors differentiate some managers to others. This is a relevant study because it is essential to assess differences in managers to establish why or why not these managers adopt Machiavellianism to their management methods and if so to what magnitude. I will discuss differences in managers as it is important in fully understanding the second part of our question, why does Machiavellianism affect some managers more than others. As it is illustrated in our management book, Machiavellianism is a measure of the degree to which people are pragmatic, maintain emotional distance and believe that ends justify the means. As Jenny has talked about, Machiavellianism is not a given set of rules that managers need to follow; but a way of thinking. It is more often than not the case that managers utilise certain aspects of Machiavellianism and frown upon others. There are three major differentiating factors in managers that I will be talking about; a managers background, culture and managerial position. First we will start off with background. A managers background can adversely effect how they run a business and the different approaches they use in the workforce. A persons upbringing can vastly affect their values, beliefs and attitudes which mould their views on business and ...

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