Thursday, October 31, 2019

LOREAL BUILDING A GLOBAL COSMETIC BRAND. Pages 644- 651 of your main Case Study - 1

LOREAL BUILDING A GLOBAL COSMETIC BRAND. Pages 644- 651 of your main text Ghauri and Cateora text book (2010) - Case Study Example L’Oreal has managed to penetrate the market deeper because of the strength of its brand. Mostly, it is its association with top models and proper marketing that has aided the company to fly high. Amid strong competitive environment, L’Oreal has fully engrossed in one line of product production to achieve quality. Unlike its competitors who have diversified, L’Oreal has only opted to stay fixed to one line of production. Branding is a major asset of a company and through it; a company can either achieve market or financial advantage (Jayachandran 2004). A brand can be defined as a name which influences buyers. Throughout its entire period in the market L’Oreal has managed to grab the attention of customers. At the display of its products customers are easily evoked to make a purchase. L’Oreal has adopted a method of saliency, differentiation and intensity to market its products globally. Being an attention driven economy brand campaign is a requirement, bringing to the fore the major attributes of the product aids the sale of that product; these are the mechanisms which L’Oreal has incorporated in its strategy (Cant 2006). L’Oreal’s brand has been a certitude and risk reducer in the market. Each moment a customer comes across these products they feel contended about the quality and use of them. L’Oreal’s product images portray a quality and functional product which is essentially attractive in the eyes of the customers. It is these appealing techniques which have spurred the growth of this company. A clear observation at the taglines of the company is a sign that its planning mechanisms are up to date; ‘because you are worth it’. These Cathy taglines are what pull customers continually to remain loyal in the company’s products. It gives a sense of caring and concern to customers in the market (Little & Marandi 2003) The logo chosen by the company is a simple and easily interpreted

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Al-Qaeda Terrorist Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Al-Qaeda Terrorist Organization - Essay Example The 9/11 created such a deep global impact that almost overnight, it virtually created a new breed of foreign, immigration and security policies not only of the United States but its allies as well. Al Qaeda, which means â€Å"the base’, is an international terrorist organization that was born at the heel of the Soviet retreat from Afghanistan in 1989. It was created out of the remnants of Arab participation in the Afghan resistance against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan since 1978. As the defeated Soviets left Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden created al Qaeda to maintain the roster who participated in the resistance for future jihads. When bin Laden returned to Afghanistan in 1996 after he was driven out of Sudan through American pressure, he set up training camps for the training of Islamic militants under the noses of the hospitable Taliban. The group came under public glare in 1998 when it was linked to the bombing of the US embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. It virtually became a household name, however, after the suicide attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, an incident now known as 9/11 (Robinson 17). Al Qaeda’s advantage over other terrorist groups is its global reach. It is most noted for its use of suicide terrorism directed at multiple targets simultaneously. It is believed that the purpose of al Qaeda is religious – that is, the establishment of a caliphate in the Middle East. Some quarters believed however that its motivations are political and religion is a mere front concealing a goal geared at establishing global dominion.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Speedo Marketing Strategy

Speedo Marketing Strategy To being with our organisational orientation lets look at some of the definition about Marketing and Marketing concept. Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. (Approved October 2007 American Marketing Association Board of Directors) The right product, in the right place, at the right time, at the right price (Adcock) The achievement of corporate goals through meeting and exceeding customer needs better than the competition. (Jobber) Speedo is one of the leading brands in swim wear. Founded in 1910, in Australia by a young Scottish entrepreneur Alexander MacRae. Initially known as MacRae Knitting mills, the company was into undergarment business and due to the mounting response from Australian beach comers, MacRae integrated swimwear in his business. In 1920 swimwear popularity rose quickly because of the inclusion of swimming as a sport and mixed bathing. In 1928 they introduced a new model swimwear called Racerback outfit, which made the swimmers to swim faster. A new slogan was generated Speed on in your Speedos and the catchword became fashionable and finally a new name Speedo was coined. In 1951 Speedo Knitting Mills (Holdings) Ltd was integrated and turned into a public company (Sydney Stock exchange). Speedo started its operation in USA in 1959 and made into other international markets. It also moved into Europe by purchasing 30% share of Robert Shaw and Company Ltd. in Nottingham, England. The Japan and South Africa corporations approved licenses to Speedo to set up manufacture and division delivery in 1960. It made a significant deal with China in 1980. Many European Union provided license to the Speedo manufacturing and delivering. In 1980 it became official sponsor for Australia Institute of Sport. The Pentland Group took possession of Speedo in 1990 and finally the modern Speedo was born with new strategies and products. Today the Speedo trademark is protected in 175 countries with an annual turnover of $550 million. Since its inception, Speedo had been innovative in the competitive swimsuit market to design suits with the latest technology aimed at enhancing the swimmers performance. The technology and design of its suits brought Speedo to the forefront in performance swimming as more Olympic medals were won in Speedo than in any other athletic apparel brand. In 1928, the celebrated Swedish swimmer Arne Borg set a world record by wearing the Speedo swimwear and the brand won hearts of millions. The Speedos major success story in innovation starts way back in the 1950s when they were the first company to introduce normal wool into their fabric. They created roars in the 1950 Olympics by sponsoring the Australian swimming team in the new Speedo suit which broke records. Speedo had no turn back and was acknowledged as a market leader ever since in performance swimwear till the 2008 Olympics. They are successful to the extent that they command more than 70% of the market share in the US$200 million performance swimwear market globally. The 60s and 70s witnessed the unrivalled reign of Speedo in the performance segment. 49 medals were won in Mexico Olympics held in 1968, in which 22 set a world record by wearing Speedo. Speedo was the first to introduce nylon/elastane into the fabric in 1970 and even today the fabric is famous among the swimmers. More than 50 countries were sporting Speedo in Munich Olympics held in 1972. In 1976 Speedo became the official swimwear brand for the Montreal Olympics. In 1992, 1994 and 1996 Speedo came up with S2000, Endurance and Aquablade which were worn by most record breaking swimmers in Barcelona and Atlanta Olympics. Speedo launched Fast-skin swimsuit in 2000 Sydney Olympics which is made up of smooth crisp fabric and broke 13 world records. 2003 is a remarkable year for Speedo, as it turned to 75th year. Speedo launched Fast-skin series in 2004, which was worn by Michael Phelps and set a history in Athens Olympics by winning 8 medals. The LZR Racer the most advanced swimsuit launched by Speedo in his 80th year created history as 92% medals in swimming were won in the Speedo suit. In 1990 Speedo was bought by The Pentland Group and the new Speedo International LTD was born with new strategies and approach. Speedo an established name in the competitive swimwear segment was getting into the wider segment by focusing on commercial products with a sports attitude. Speedo implemented new marketing strategies through AD campaigns which was completely new to the company. Today Speedo is a Multi National Company operating in 175 countries with an annual turnover of $550 million. Speedo products are sold directly and through brand franchising and are available in departmental stores, speciality stores and sports goods stores. Speedo owned brand accelerate specially focused commercial wear for men and women sells pants, shirts, bags, caps, footwear etc. Speedo co branded AVP apparels sells beach volley products and accessories. Speedo sports water designed for athletes was launched in 2004 in collaboration with Fuze Beveraged Ltd. Speedo. Competitive advantage is fundamentally about the value that the customers put on the product assessed by how much they are willing to pay, and the organization that better serves the customers has the differential attribute or dimension to create better customer value (Jobber, D. 2006:p.53) Competitive Advantage of Speedo Speedo has been unique in the market since its inception a century ago. Speedo has a well earned reputation for excellence in quality, efficient in design and unique in its technology. Speedo has evolved themselves to both categories by introducing unique performance products at a higher price and commercial wear products at a normal price. The success of Speedo can be summarised as its competitive edge over other competitors over the last few decades. Speedo had faced fierce competition from multi-national companies known for its smart marketing activities like Nike, Adidas, TYR, Arena, Diana, Mizuno etc but was always in the top in competitive segment with more than 70% share in the $200 million industry. Speedo has evolved themselves into the competitive swimwear market and the commercial wear market, but it commands a competitive advantage only in the former. When it comes to Research and Development Speedo has gained a matchless competitive advantage with respect to its competitors. The main reason for this is Speedos commitment towards Research and Development. Speedo has always in the forefront in bringing out the best products with newest of technologies in the competitive swimwear market. Speedo started this in the 1950s by introducing wool into its fabric and the competitive advantage era of Speedo began. Since then till the year 2008 it had this competitive edge by bringing out the latest technology suit available in the market. They have worked with the best names in technology like the National aeronautics and space administration (NASA), reputed universities and private research agencies to develop its product. Introduction of the fast skin series, the fastest swimwear in the world in the 2008 Olympics When it comes to sponsored athletes Speedo has again gained the upper hand among its competitors. Speedo has sponsored most of the top ranking athletes in swimming like Michel Phelps, Natalie Coughlin, Ryan Lochte, Katie Hoff, Libby Trickett, Eamon Sullivan, Rebecca Adlington etc. No other has companies such an elite list of sponsored swimmers. Threat of entry in a swimming firms industry: A new sports company that enters into the industry brings in the potential to gain a new market share. The existing competitors pose a threat to the new comers, but in the case of Speedo it has been dominant in the market since its inception. It is big hurdle for the upcoming companies to gain a considerable market share against the existing company as they are highly popular in the customers mind with their smart proven strategies. Access of distribution channels- The distribution channel is well connected and diversified globally. The products are reaching all parts of the world with the highly competitive supply chain management. Sometime this barrier is so high that to surmount it, a new contestant must create its own distribution channels. Cost disadvantage independent of size- Unless the competitors reduce the price but consistent with the product quality. They might record low sale rate, if they dont upgrade the quality of the product to sustain in the market. Capital requirements- The net worth of the company is vital for the capital requirement. The capital can be mobilised from various asset produces to bank official. The budget has to be distrusted for the growth of the company in various sectors like inventories, R D, advertising budget etc. Recession could be an advantage or demerit to an economy and other firms. Some organisations might see recession as an advantage because it motivates the market to run effectively mostly during long-term. Taking Speedo as an example, the organisation seen recession as an advantage to them because, during recession competition within the swimming industry is less, it causes brings down the cost of swimming. If there is high number of swimming industry, the lesser the information they get about each other performance being an advantage to the firms, and more likely output and prices will be at a competitive level. Speedo looks at competitive advantage which lies not only in activities but in the way they do relate to each other, to supplier activities, customer relationship and to customer activities. That the phrases competitive advantage and sustainable competitive advantage have become commonplace is testimony to the power of individual belief ideas. The foremost part in the Marketing Mix is the Companys product, since such provides the handy needs to customer past near they looked for in the market. The product widens by the marketing managers into brands is to make a unique position in the market as well as in the customers needs. The Four Ps of marketing mix is the key factor in the market. Most of the organisations depend on the marketing mix elements. They are Product, Price, Promotion and Place. Product Definition simply refers to anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use which may satisfy a want or need of an individual. Product base approach Quality is viewed as a precise and measurement variable. Speedo has ranked its product according to the price among of the desired attributed they posses. Because quality reflects the quantity of attributes that a product contains, and because attributes are considered costly to produce, higher quality goods will be more expensive. i. Conformance- It relates to reliability, as conformance stresses the extent to which ours products are designed and match pre-established standards. Conformance quality is meaningless if its not satisfactory to the customers. ii. Durability- how much use does one get from the Speedo product before it wears down and needs to be replaced. iii. Feature- secondary marketing mix that augment the basic function. iv. Reliability- the probability of a product breaking down applies particularly to customer durables, such as washing machine and to industry machinery. There are many verities in performance especially concentrated on swimming which is their major marketing product. After various transformations in the technology they have refined the product in aspect of performance in the sporty game swimming. Initially they started manufacturing with normal wool to silk to nylon and the latest is the Pulse fabric composed with lightweight woven fabric polyurethane panels to reduce drag. Based on the changes in the material used by Speedo, they have developed a new design for challenging swimmers which is the one that covers most part of the body. Speedo makes a full body suit (showing head, hands, and feet open), jumpers and endurances. The new suits manufactured has advantage, the material is used to reduce the drag which the performer can speed the strokes in the activities. This is approved by FINA and this is a popular product which it beating the new trend. There are various designs in the performance aspect such as Fastskin LZR Racer, Fastskin LZR Racer Tri-Pro, Fastskin FS Pro, Fastskin FSII, Endurance+ and 2010 FINA Approved suit. After three years of research and developed by Aqualab (Speedos global research and development facility) they came with a new product LZR Fast Racer suit specially for swimmers. As a part of their research Aqualab worked with a number of global partners including NASA, ANSYS, Otago University, and Australian Institute of sport to fabricate an Ultra lightweight, powerful and water repellent material to reduce muscle oscillation, skin vibration through powerful compression and to lower skin friction drag. The fabric is fast material and is a unique 3D three-piece pattern designed to optimize the shape of the swimmer. Scanning more than 400 bodies the pattern was from 30 to 3 piece pattern. The swimsuit is fully bonded and ultrasonically welded bonded seams to create a perfectly smooth and flexible streamlined surface finish. The Hydro form compression scheme is to compress fabric as per body shape with complete flexibility and optimum economy. The skin friction drag seams are bonded to lower sewn by 6% and the drag in LZR pulse is 8% lower than Fast Skin. This is approved by FINA 2010 especially for swimming, which is major marketing product. The LZR Racer Tri-Pro is Speedo Aqualabs RD expertise in understanding human activities and they have designed this product which is multi usage product used for swimming, biking and running which is a Triathlon product. The material used in LZR Racer the same is used in LZR Racer Tri-Pro which suits human body with respective to the environment. This suit dries up twice faster than a normal suit, which easily optimizes the body shape with good flexibility and with a fine smooth finish. This suit cover the body from shoulders to the laps, leaving the other parts like shoulders, arms and legs from laps to expose. The next advancement in swimwear technology was the FASTSKIN FS-Pro; made from the same material as the LZR Racer, it dried twice a s fast and lightweight. World class swimmers were consulted in developing this suit which again turned out to be a huge success. This was AQUALAB one of the most sophisticated product. The material for this suit was developed through biomimetrics (design based on nature) imitating the skin of certain aquatic animals especially shark. The material was highly stretchy with a colour and design similar to aquatic conditions and was imitating the shark, the fastest aquatic creature. The suit allows more oxygen to the swimmer adsorbs vibrations from the body and gives rigid support with less drag. The material used is super stretchy fabric, which allows moving freely with great comfort. This is an old product which every swimmer has to use in the early stages of learning which helps to retain a correct posture in swim. Endurance+ is 100% chlorine resistant, designed to last longer, dries more quickly and is 20 times more fade resistance than the commercial swimwear. The completer LZR Range of products is FINA approved as per 2010 rules. The products had created good demand due to the advanced, light weight, powerful material designed to opt shape of body flexible with a smooth finish by absorbing the body vibrations generated from the body and strengthens swimming power. The suit absorbs oxygen to the body by giving additional energy to the body; with a fast dry technology which is all applicable to FINA 2010 new rules. This is a whole range of safety precaution products from Speedo. Concentrated mainly on beginers, which includes swim vests, armbands, kickboards etc. Swim vest and arm bands allows the beginners to float above water without sinking. Kickboard is a product made of undrownable material which is held to stay above water and start peddling. Designed especially for women by women to identify the comfort in fitting by compress the stomach region and lifts up the breast which gives a good female structure. Speedo has a variety of equipments ranging from goggles, caps, MP3, Scuba gear, training aids, footwear etc each specially designed for aquatic activities. Goggles provide clarity vision in water and are UV protective, anti-fog, mirror lens witha rubber double head strap to fit in head perfectly and also safeguards eyes in chlorine water. Underwater MP3 can be used upto 3 metres under water, easy to operate, easy to charge via laptops which last for nine hours. Bio fuse footwear is designed to keep the surface wet by immediate exit of water from pores with good grip on wet floors and is ideal choose in beaches and pools. Speedo uses a tool called economic value to increase perception of value. It is regarded as an appropriate pricing method for this particular market. The terms used in this approach are defined as follows. a. Incremental or improvement value- This will represent the potential incremental satisfaction or profit that Speedo customer can expect from a product over other reference product. b. Reference product- It refers to any product that is accomplishing the same function as the product whose economic value is looked into by the customer. In Speedo, sensitivity pricing is regarded as a key element in the conceptualization of price. It not only assists in developing a marketing strategy but also helps to identify segments with different price sensitivity and the range within which price should be set. i. Price quality effect: Buyers are less sensitive to product price to the extent that higher price signals better quality. ii. Unique value effect: Buyers are more or less sensitive to product price; the more they value any unique attributes that differentiate from the competitors products. iii. Difficult comparison effect: Buyers may seek loyalty with approved supplies or established brand names. Pricing a product in a company has many formulas and strategies in order to come out with the best price. Pricing imitate the supply and demand bond. To understand the pricing strategies in simple, lets us look at the pricing strategies matrix. Premium pricing is about the goods or service where there is uniqueness in high price. This method is used when significant competitive reward exists. In Speedo the LZR Racer, Fast Skin FS Pro, Fast Skin FSII is positioned as their premium priced brand due to its uniqueness in the market. It is uncompromisingly priced around  £210- £550. Economy Pricing: The selling price of the product is kept low, targeting a specific range of low and middle class customers in the market. This strategy is also used in penetration pricing also in order to gain market share in the first place. Speedo fits in some of there products like goggles and caps at economy price to widen its customer base. Goggles range from  £3- £22 and caps from  £5- £17. Charging a higher rate for a product at its initial stage due its uniqueness or demand and then reducing the price once the demand is over or a similar product is been launched in the market. Speedo introduced LZR Racer swimwear and charged a higher rate due to the uniqueness and demand in the market. After a few months, competitors like TYR and Arena replicated the same product and produced at a low cost. Speedo skimmed their price to get in pace with the competition. Product Line Pricing: Bundling different products to sell it in a profitable rate to the customer is known as product line pricing. Speedo bundles caps, goggles, and jammer. For example the cap could be  £5, goggles  £3 and jammer  £60, but the whole package only costs  £68. Promotional Pricing: Promotional Pricing is where the commodities are marked below margin price in the shop for the time being to attract the customer, anticipating that they will buy more products. Speedo has a lot of special offers to make the customer buy more goods. For example Speedo offers direct online the Mens Skitty T-shirt is  £15, but the margin price for the T-shirt  £20. These are the wide range of products displayed in the quadrant manner. For example product such as FASTSKIN LZR Racer, LZR PRO, FS PRO, FS II are grouped into one phase. Geographical Pricing: Companies adapt to different pricing strategies according to the geography. Operating in 175 countries having customers with various outlook and economic structure, geographical pricing is very important for Speedo. For example Speedo introduces a product with a high price in developed countries, whereas it will introduce low price or medium products in underdeveloped countries. Another example of international pricing of Speedo is LZR Racer Elite Jammer which cost  £130 in Europe, where as it cost $260 in USA. Factors affecting price decisions: Promotions: Promotion is the third factor in marketing mix. It caters elements such as advertising, direct marketing, digital marketing, public relations and sales promotion. Speedo has been in the forefront in advertising and branding strategy. One of the important criterions in promotional mix is to influence end users to buy the product by integrating marketing communications. The message should reach the customers in such a way that it covers all aspects of distribution in the market. Speedo, marketing has worked with an aim of favouring the end users with reliability and contentment of the product. Speedos initiated there first promotional event in branding by sponsoring the Australian team in Speedo swimwear during the 1956 Olympics held in Melbourne. It turned out to be a tremendous success when the team won 8 gold medals boosting the brand value of Speedo. Speedos global market growth took place in the 60s where it witnessed stunning performances by athletes gaining 27 gold medals sporting Speedo suits. The campaigns done during the 1970s and 80s were more focussed in establishing fresh ventures by signing deals with Canada and China. By then Speedo gained the market in Europe and parts of Asia. Target Market: Speedo focuses more in Research Development where it produces advanced high performance designs for targeting right from the child who wants to learn swimming till the Olympic Gold Medallists. Their motto is to satisfy the goals of the swimmer with speed, contentment and flexibility. Communication Objectives: In business being a well established brand means it has to maintain its reputation by coming out with best of products in the market. These objectives are channelled to the consumers through media and other communication channels like websites, outdoor campaigns, online media, television, pamphlets, sponsorships etc. Promotional Methods: This includes various strategies to generate sales by getting into the public through various activities like: Sales Promotions: Discount offers, Price slashes, sales vouchers, clubbed offers with other products, combo offers like the purchase of Caps and goggles with a discount in price. Digital marketing Digital marketing has turned out to be the next big thing of the new millennium. It utilizes the digital mediums like internet, mobile, televisions and other interactive channels. Speedo has recently evolved to global online presence and digital marketing through social media space, fan pages, blogs and social media applications. Schemes like Free delivery with orders over 40 £, options like standard delivery and express delivery, sales are generated in volumes. Special offers like price discounts with Speedo coupons and online vouchers are also available. Advertising has been a key strategy of Speedo but with high selectivity. The million dollar campaign before the 2008 Olympics was the recent one which created a brand image that no brand has gained in the Olympics. The brand image is to such an extent that in India when you ask for a branded swimsuit then you will end up in getting Speedo. This is the effectiveness of Speedos advertising campaign even though done rarely. The Olympic Games are so integral to our brand strength, said Craig Brommers, VP-marketing. We want to use the Olympics as a springboard to talk about other parts of our business that are increasingly important. Speedo owns more than 70% market share of the performance and sport swimwear category, but that is a smaller part of our business as we expand. Publication:Brandweek, Date:Monday, March 8 2004 Effectiveness of advertising depends mainly on timing, trustworthiness, performance play, branding etc. Speedo has perfectly designed all these elements with perfect balance and that makes Speedo once again unique in the market. Speedo has famous athletes like Michael Phelps, Hannah Stockbauer and Kosuke Kitajima in their ad campaigns which increases there brand image further in the market Public Relation The PR department of Speedo works out rigorously as there are a number of product launches from Speedo international. It ensures that the company is maintaining the decorum of the products, media buzz, word of mouth and new product launches. The PR department well managed the crisis during the controversy about the swimsuit LZR Racer which took place during the Beijing Olympics held in 2008. Negativity sprouted up when some people want it banned during the competitions, since the levels of buoyancy are at unprecedented levels which they felt an unfair advantage for swimmers in the form of technological doping. But FINA (International Swimming Federation) disproved the false aspects imposed on Speedo and approved the LZR racer swimsuit. The PR department was at its best as they coordinated well with the media in solving the issues. ENDORSEMENTS SPONSORSHIPS: Olympic Games hes been an integral part of Speedos endorsements and sponsorships. 2008 was the most remarkable year as the Speedo sponsored athlete Phelps created waves in the Olympics when he bagged 8 gold medals with world record which is the best by any athlete in Olympic history. Speedo recently announced the extension of the sponsorship deal with the swimming legend Michael Phelps till 2013. Place is a key factor in marketing mix, as the produced goods has to be stored in suitable locations so that it can be channelled into proper distributions. Satisfying customer needs is not only the sole criterion for a manufacturer, but the calculation of the exact product requirement should also be met through proper channel intermediaries. In the case of Speedo, the key strategy remains focused in most of the Olympic event sponsorships. So, that the brand reaches the mass face value thereby gaining customer loyalty. The trading system for Speedo is more focused on marketing mix. The shelving of products in stores portrays a clean appearance, so that the sales would improve and traders would be benefited. The gap between the manufacturer and end user is filled by the marketing intermediaries such as (brokers, commission agents, retailers). The main function of the channel intermediaries is to resolve the difference between the buyer and seller where the seller produces large volumes with a limited goods range, whereas the buyer will require only limited goods with diversified range of products. In the case of Speedo the breaking bulk factor seems to work out well in the retailing sector where there is wide buying range of options for the customers to chose from. For example in goggles the Speedo brand has its products lined up for each purpose such as Racing, Training, Optical, Essential and Children. Minimising the number of transactions during the distribution will improve the efficiency of the business performance. By creating the hub the manufacturers will optimize the transactions which ultimately reduce the selling cost of the product. For Speedo the entry of digital marketing has reduced the distribution through commission agent which proves to be more efficient. The location and time are vital for any global business. In the case of Speedo it has diversified in the international markets and acquired a large clientele base irrespective of the geographic locations. Online purchases and free home delivery offers by the Speedo eases the customers purchase by saving their time gap. Channel Scheme factors: The channel decisions grip selection of the most efficient allocation channel. There are channel factors which influence the marketing channel integration. 1. Market factors 2. Producer factors 3. Product factors 4. Competitive factors 1. Market factors: The buying behaviour proves to be a challenge while considering the consumer expectation relating to the product. The customer tends to buy through direct outlets or retailer depending on their convenience. As in the case of Speedo majority of the customer either purchase online or through outlets. The strength of Speedos marketing lay with the proper distribution channel and network. 2. Producer factors: The deficient factor that the producer faces is the lacking of enough resources to coordinate its channel functions. The strategy of the channel might have its effects during the product mix that the producer initiates. In the case of Speedo the direct distribution proves to be price effective as it has different range of products. 3. Product factors: Speedo has a mix of intermediaries which ranges from direct online sales, agent, direct outlet, and direct distribution to the retailers. Since the life of the Speedo product is subject to long-term the direct distribution by the distributors will deny storing the products in large volume if the existing goods have not been sold. 4. Competitive factors: Speedo not only utilises the traditional distribution channels to sell its products but also has evolved themselves to the newly emerging distribution techniques like digital marketing which involves online sales etc. For example Speedo has spent millions Sheffield based agency; Quba has delivered a banner campaign for Speedo, following its success in the Olympics with swimmers Michael Phelps and Stephanie Rice. This is the first digital campaign for Speedo which was targeting young adults and teenagers. The agency also produced an interactive rich media banner featuring video of the athletes and the opportunity to enter the competition by submitting details into a form embedded into the banner itself. 34 variants of the banners were produced by the agency for oversees market in a very tight turnaround time. SWOT Analysis: SWOT analysis is the main instrument for the company to audit the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats (SWOT). The strengths and weakness are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are the external factors. SWOT analysis is very helpful for the managers to plan at the first stage, since it shows the key factors of the organisation. SWOT Analysis The Marketing managers should know the SWOT analysis, so that they know the company mances and chance. The analysis is to make an impact in the growth of the organisation. 1. (S)trengths: The main strength for Speedo is the innovative of new product in the market. The latest new product of Speedo Shapeline Swimwear. The RD of Speedo resea

Friday, October 25, 2019

Part-time Employment Undermines Students Commitment to School :: Summary Response Working School Essays

Part-time Employment Undermines Students Commitment to School by Laurence Steinberg   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Summary: In the essay, â€Å"Part-time Employment Undermines a Student’s Commitment to School† by Laurence Steinberg, it explains how studies show that teenagers that work while attending school are more likely to loose their commitment to school. Steinberg tells the effects on students when they work more than twenty hours a week. His theory was that students are more susceptible to losing their interest in school, while working. They may have to work in the evening time, which can interfere with homework, sleep and diet. Steinberg also elaborated on how these students that work receive money that can make school seem less desirable. Also because they do receive money, they can use their extra money to become associated with drugs and alcohol.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Steinberg’s review of this subject shows the affects of what can happen if adolescents work while going to school and how this can engage them in drugs and have less engagement in school and other related activities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Response: I agree with Steinberg that working affects adolescents that are going to school. I believe that teenagers should concentrate on their studies and not become overwhelmed with the added stress of work. There is plenty of time for them to learn the â€Å"real world† of working, so why not let them be kids and have them worry about their homework and after school chores, rather than trying to make the almighty dollar.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I like the way Steinberg explains how a simple job can lead to so much more. Parents do not always realize that yes, it is good for a teenager to learn responsibility, but getting a job at that age is not always the right thing to do. Each child is different some may be able to handle it, but most can not. This study shows the effects of how good students can change by working and going to school and how students that already have lost interest in school can loose even more interest and even drop out completely.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Socrates Plato Maimonides And Aristotle Education Essay

Socrates was an intelligent adult male who idealized the hunt for truth and justness. I love the manner he would inquire inquiries in order to encompass others with cognition of the encompassing universe. Socrates used what we call inductive logical thinking. Inductive logical thinking agencies that from all the fact we get replies. He believed that adult male was capable of geting at truth through the usage of ground. He besides linked cognition to happiness. He believed that cognition or penetrations was the foundation of virtuousness and felicity. The Socratic Method is a method of look intoing jobs through duologue treatment in a schoolroom a instructor can let a pupil to believe critically and engraft the Socratic Method. The pupils will larn as the instructor keeps on inquiring inquiries. The instructor analyzes some of the possible effect of the pupil ‘s comments. The accent is upon the believing procedure of the pupil, who must believe for himself and accept the effects of his logic. I have tried the Socratic method with my kindergarten category. The topic was to jump count by two ‘s and my pupils were able to reply my Socratic based inquiries good. Besides, in learning we should direct the pupil into the right reply instead than stating him the right reply. With the Socratic Method the instructor does non state the pupil the proper reply ; the instructor should pull the pupil to the likely reply. I believe that pupils can utilize their encephalons and be challenged on an mundane footing. This manner so the pupil learns when he discovers the true generalisation through his logical thinking procedures. Farnaz Lavianlivi Professor Garelick 10/30/09PlatoPlato was the first philosopher in instruction. He was influenced by Pythagoreans and believed that Mathematical apprehension can act upon apprehension of the universe. He believed that math was the footing of the universe. He mentions that if people do non understand math so they should non be allowed in his school. Plato demonstrated that pedagogues have deep attention for the wellbeing and hereafter of their pupils. I found Plato really influential because he besides mentions in differing educational demands is needed with assorted life phases. Plato references that each and every individual is different and needs degrees of instruction, understanding and concluding. We as instructors know that every kid can larn otherwise. Some kids have knowledge in some topographic points where others do n't and frailty versa. In every schoolroom at that place will ever be pupils that are non traveling to be on the same degree as other pupils. I think that pupils who are making ill in the category or have a certain disablement should be placed with pupils that are stand outing in the schoolroom. In add-on, the instructor may desire to hold the pupils who are holding trouble sitting in forepart of the category and pay closer attending to the lesson. The instructor should besides hold group undertakings more frequently, because it may be easier for pupils who are holding troubles in the surveies to larn and understand better. I think that group work is really of import in kids ‘s development. Group work gives kids abilities to socialise and place themselves as a portion of a group. I think that math should be the foundation of the pupils school work. Plato was a strong truster in this and so am I. I think that mathematics is a portion of mundane life and should be incorporated in mundane lessons. Farnaz Lavianlivi Professor Garelick 11/3/09AristotleAristotle was a scientist. He explained that cognition is gained by esthesis. He mentioned that when people experience something they are able think about it, retrieve it and how it alters their life. He states that we abstract things and we take it within ourselves. In add-on, Aristotle believed that people should believe for themselves and develop thoughts on their ain. The importance of instruction in the doctrine of Aristotle was great and believed that we could larn to utilize our ground to get at virtuousness and felicity, merely through the procedure of instruction. Aristotle placed habit high in the acquisition procedure. Aristotle thinks that adult male learns by nature, wont, and ground. In my schoolroom I as the Pre-k instructor would form stuffs harmonizing to the Torahs of ground. I would seek to do the schoolroom every bit natural as I can. I would integrate existent life state of affairs through drama. For illustration, when learning math-addition or minus, you can convey different things in similar confects and really demo the pupils with the confects how to add and how to deduct. In the play centre, I would do a food market shop and allow the kids add up different points. For illustration, A bag of murphy french friess cost a penny and if they brought two how much money would they necessitate? It will be easier for the kid to hold on instead than merely giving them a press release. Besides, insistent drill would be used to reenforce what was understood by ground. I would besides integrate in my schoolroom positive support. I would prom ote my pupils to dispute themselves on an mundane footing. Farnaz Lavianlivi Professor Garelick 11/16/09Rabbi moses ben maimonsMaimonides was born in Spain ( 1135-1204 ) . He did non desire to learn and acquire paid for it so he chose to go a physician. He respected and treated everyone every bit as a doctor. As for instruction he said that we should take high on our ends. He besides states that a lazy instructor is a dishonest instructor. He believed that motive besides plays a large function in acquiring pupils to larn. Maimonides brings a really of import affair in a schoolroom. The schoolrooms should non be overcrowded. He was the first philosopher to explicate that if there are more than 25 pupils at that place should be a instructor helper in the schoolroom. Students need individualised attending in a schoolroom. This to Maimonides was critical because pupils need to hold the instructor ‘s attending in order to win the schoolroom. This manner a pupil will experience of import and will be able to larn and derive more out of the lesson if the instructor is paying attending to each person. If the schoolroom is overcrowded non every individual pupil will acquire the attending they deserve. Maimonides thought that kids will larn when instructors use positive support. In add-on, in the schoolroom you may desire to hold spines or ice lollies for childs who participate in category as a good incentive to acquire pupils to take part. Rabbi moses ben maimons thought that the instruction of the organic structure and the psyche is really of import. He besides thought that the pedagogue needs to be knowing and moral. I believe that a instructor does necessitate the cognition and ethical motives to learn. She/ he needs to be ready and cognize the reply to their pupil ‘s inquiries. Maimonides thought that kids need to socialise and larn. Integrating Maimonides thoughts on instruction, I would make more group work so my pupils will be able to larn and turn from each other.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Banning of Books in the U.S. Essay

â€Å" And shall we just carelessly allow children to hear any casual tales which may be devised by casual persons, and to receive into their minds ideas for the most part the very opposite of those which we should wish them to have when they are grown up? We cannot. â€Å" ? Socrates – Banning of books is the most common form of censorship. There were 546 known attempts to remove books in 2006, and more than 9, 200 attempts since the American Library Association’s (ALA) Office for Intellectual Freedom began to electronically compile and publish information on book challenges in 1990. According to ALA , there are four motivating factors: family values, religion, political views, and minority rights. While there are many arguments against censorship, I feel that banning of books can be justifiable in some ways. For example, books with sexually explicit graphic contents should not be viewed by children of certain age. Book banning happens commonly at home and in schools. While anti-book banning advocates fight for the rights of the children to read, it is also the rights of the parents and teachers to guide children. While I do not favor banning books either, I feel that our system should be careful as to what books are exposed and at what age. The minds of children are very impressionable and susceptible to corruption. (Becket, 2006) Restrictions are not necessarily curtailment of rights . For example, cosmetics cannot be used by children. Reasons: first, it may be detrimental to the skin of children, second, cosmetics are not made for children. As cosmetics is to the skin, books is to the mind. Some books are not made for children and some books may be detrimental to the minds of children. These restrictions take into account that children are not yet mature and is still inexperienced to take complexity of some issues. It is the responsibility of the parents to guide children and this extends to guide their children in selecting a good reading material. Teachers, as second parents to children, also share the same responsibility. Parents should also be aware enough of what books to filter and not. If the parents feel that they are capable of making their children understand challenged books, then by all means, they can have those books on their shelves. While it is true that censorship hinders the flow of information and ideas, sometimes ideas should be filtered for innocent minds. Time will come when those minds will be matured enough to absorb what is really on the books their reading. Time will come when those minds will be having their own preferences of books to read. Time will come when those mind will be ready to be challenged †¦. just like those books. References: 1. â€Å" Treasure your Freedom to Read, Get Hooked on a Banned Book†. ala. org. 19 September 2007. < http://ala. org/ala/pressreleases2007/september2007/bbw07. cfm> 2. Kennedy, Elizabeth. â€Å"Banned Books: The Who and the Why†. about. com. 3. Beckett, S. â€Å"Book Ban List Shouldn’t Scare†. dailytexanonline. com 2 October 2006